Adopt a Koi

Sunday August 31

Other dates...

9:00 AM  –  5:00 PM

*Please disregard the date above. Sponsor a koi fish at the Japanese Friendship Garden & Museum! Gift yourself or a loved one a JFGM Koi Sponsor Package. Your sponsorship will help support one koi fish* for up to 6 months. YES - you get to name your koi, and will receive a photo and updates from your foster fish! Now with new Tiers!

Tier 1: Comes with 3 letters that will be mailed bi-monthly for six months

Tier 2: Comes with 1 letter and a JFGM koi plush

Tier 3: Comes with 3 letters and a JFGM koi plush

Tier 4: Comes with 3 letters, a JFGM koi plush, and a private koi feeding at the garden**

*Koi fish will be assigned randomly, however you will not receive two of the same photo if selecting a quantity greater than 1. If you've chosen TBA as the name, once you've received your first letter, please email with the name you'd like for the remaining two letters.

**Private Feedings are held at the Japanese Friendship Garden and Museum only. Please email Momoka Nakajima at to schedule a feeding. Feedings are unavailable Sundays and Mondays.

***Admission into the garden is not included with the koi feeding sponsorship. Please disregard the tickets, date and time for the sponsorship. Koi Letters and plushies are sent on Mondays and Thursdays.


If you have any questions before purchasing please contact
